Vuurmuur developments

Posted on Sep 17, 2007

Last weeks I’ve spend many hours on my Vuurmuur Firewall project. First I’ve been improving the code to prepare for a new release. I’ve added NFQUEUE support to Vuurmuur, so I could use it with nfnetlink enabled Snort_inline. Also the connection killing has been improved. The rules limit options were extended, to allow more flexibility.

Second, with the great help of Adi Kriegisch, I’ve been working on setting up a new build server for Debian and Ubuntu packages. Credits mostly go to Adi, who did most of the work and hosts the server. So many thanks to Adi! The new build server supports all version of Debian from Sarge up and of Ubuntu from Dapper and up.

Third, I have been busy setting up a new site for Vuurmuur. It is based on the Trac software and replaces both the static site at and the tikiwiki based wiki. The new site can be found at

Last but not least, and the reason for this post, is that today I’ve released a new version of Vuurmuur. The version, 0.5.73, is the first non-test release since January. This has taken a lot longer than I wanted, but work and other projects and of course ‘real life’ have taken much of the time from Vuurmuur. I don’t think this will change any time soon, unless someone will join the project to contribute some serious amount of coding time, or someone wants to fund me to do so.

On the roadmap (which is a nice feature of Trac btw) one can see the future directions of Vuurmuur. Ideas and comments are welcome. So are bug reports of course :)