Tunnel unwrapping for Snort_inline
Not many people have native IPv6 connectivity and use some form of tunneling. For this reason Nitro Security asked me to develop a Snort preprocessor to unwrap various tunnels. This resulted in the preprocessor ‘ip6tunnel’, which I uploaded to Snort_inline’s SVN yesterday. The preprocessor is capable of unwrapping IPv6-in-IPv4, IPv6-in-IPv6, IPv4-in-IPv6, IPv4-in-IPv4 and finally IPv6-over-UDP. The latter is used by Freenet6.
I chose to develop it as a preprocessor because this allows Snort to inspect both the original packet and the tunnel packet(s). The preprocessor supports recursive unwrapping. The recursion depth is limited to 3 by default, but can be configured differently. Get the preprocessor from Snort_inline’s SVN by checking out the latest trunk:
svn co https://snort-inline.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/snort-inline/trunk
Then have a look at doc/README.IP6TUNNEL for configuration options.
Once again thanks to the great people of Nitro Security. I think it’s great to see this company giving back to the community!