Snort_inline load balancing
Dave Remien of NitroSecurity created a patch that “implements a relatively simple form of (IPV4) load balancing” between multiple Snort_inline processes using Nfqueue. Here is what it does:
1. Load balancing. The bottom half of the source and dest addresses are added together, and mod’d with the number of “load-balancing” snorts you desire to run. This means that traffic stays with a particular snort, so that state is maintained.
2. Because you can run many snorts (presumably on many CPUs), you can now take advantage of that super-hooty 16way box and those 10 gig NICs you just got your hands on…
3. The snort at the “magicqueue” is a back-up snort - normally no traffic is sent to it, but in the event that one of the “load-balancing” snorts isn’t present, the traffic for that “load-balancing” snort gets sent to the “backup” snort.
And even more, read that here.
I haven’t tried this myself, but it sure looks cool. Try it by checking out the latest SVN code for Snort_inline. Then follow the instructions from README.NFQUEUE.
Big thanks to Dave Remien & NitroSecurity for this contribution!