New Vuurmuur version numbering scheme

Posted on Sep 22, 2008

Today I’ve changed the versioning scheme for Vuurmuur. I was unhappy with the scheme for quite some time already. Versions like 0.5.73 are not making much sense in my view. Originally, my intention was to have a scheme like the linux kernel at the time had. Even versions for stable releases, odd versions for unstable/development releases. The idea was that the 0.5.x development series would some day become a 0.6 stable, after which the 0.7 development series would begin. Of course, that never happened. Instead, I added the alpha releases that became the real development releases and the 0.5.x effectively became the stable releases. So we ended up with releases like 0.5.74 alpha 6. In my opinion quite confusing.

The new scheme is a lot simpler. There will be a two digit version number with optionally a suffix for development releases. The next stable release will be 0.6. In the path to it, there will be 0.6betaX releases and 0.6rcX releases. After the 0.6 release the next will be 0.7 and so on. After 0.9 the next is 1.0, so no more .74 releases ;-)

I’ve released 0.6rc1 today, and expect 0.6 stable to be out shortly.