OISF meeting in DC next July

Posted on Jun 30, 2009

We’re doing a public OISF meeting in DC next July. Everyone thats interested, please show up! Here is the original announcement:

We'll be having a public forum and brainstorming session in Washington
DC on July 16th, 2009! This session will be a mix of technical and
political issues.

We encourage our current and potential consortium members, potential
users and resellers, as well as future end users to attend. We very much
want to hear from all in a discussion format what is most important to
you, and what you need to have in the next iteration of IDS. The
discussion on the lists has been great, but most often even better
things come to life when a lot of smart folks are in the same room at
the same time, as we've seen at our prior brainstorming sessions.

We'll be getting quite technical, but we'll also answer any and every
question about the politics, goals, and funding sources of the
foundation. We know this is a very strange situation we have, being
funded by DHS to create open source security software.

So please plan to attend, July 16th in Washington DC, at the SRI
Building in Rosslyn:

If you plan to or are rather sure you'll be there please drop an email
to Matt Jonkman, we need an approximate headcount for the
catering, provided courtesy of SRI.

If you can't make this one don't worry, we are planning similar meetings
through the development cycle on the west coast and in Europe. We want
to hear every idea we can get!

I’ll be there personally, as will (most of) the rest of the team be. Look forward to meeting everyone there!