DC meeting
So I just got back from Washington D.C. where we had our first public meeting for the OISF. I think it went very well as there were more people than expected. The attendees came from all parts from the industry & government. Overall reception was very positive and we’ve gotten many offers for help in development & testing.
Around the public meetings we had private meetings with a number of companies and I’m very happy that three of them commited to the project already:
Endace the New Zealand based hardware acceleration company was first to commit. They are providing us with hardware and time from their coders. Naturally they will be interested in getting our code to perform as good as possible on their hardware, but they have offered to assist in the general development of the engine as well.
Breach Security is supporting us too. They are providing us with coding time of Brian Rectanus, the current developer and maintainer of ModSecurity. Given my enthusiasm about ModSecurity, no one will be surprised that I’m really excited to having Brian and Breach involved. Naturally, they are going to help us make sure our engine excels at HTTP security. More on that in a later post.
Last (for now), we’re getting support from Nitro Security. Having worked with Nitro in the past I’m really excited about this as well, especially as Nitro has an IPS interest. Of course inliniac cares a lot about IPS! :) The form of Nitro’s support is still to be determined, but it’ll likely be in the form of time from their coders.
At this point, contributions like this (coding support, QA hardware) is what we are interested in most. We’re talking to a number of other companies for setting similar partnerships. We’ll announce them as soon as we know more.
On a last note, I’d like to thank Frank Knobbe, Daniel Peck and Richard Bejtlich for attending the meeting. It was great finally meeting you guys in person and thanks for your great input. Same goes for the other people that were there, thanks a lot for coming!
We will be publishing our meeting notes soon. Stay tuned!