
Posted on Jun 30, 2010

Ohloh is a pretty cool site for keeping track of projects and programmers. It’s an easy way to keep track of the development in a project and gives a nice indication of how actively it’s being developed. It has some social networkish features too, such as individual developers giving each other “kudos”.

The code analysis is pretty nice: it gives statistics on code base size, growth, comment ratio, languages used, etc. Per developer it tracks quite a few stats as well.

It also does a estimate of the cost of a project. For the Suricata project it currently estimates cost of 2.1 million USD. Actual cost are significantly less than that, less than half of that. So either we are severely underpaid or the calculation is off quite a bit :)

The per developer code statistics show that I’ve “touched” 131k lines of code out of 148k which confirms what I already knew: I need some vacation…

Anyway, check it out. Vuurmuur is on there, as are Snort and ModSecurity.

Oh by the way, Suricata 1.0 coming out tomorrow!