Suricata 2.0 and beyond
Today I finally released Suricata 2.0. The 2.0 branch opened in December 2012. In the little over a year that it’s development lasted, we have closed 183 tickets. We made 1174 commits, with the following stats:
582 files changed, 94782 insertions(+), 63243 deletions(-)
So, a significant update! In total, 17 different people made commits. I’m really happy with how much code and features were contributed. When starting Suricata this was what I really hoped for, and it seems to be working!
The feature I’m most excited about is ‘Eve’. It’s the nickname of a new logging output module ‘Extendible Event Format’. It’s an all JSON event stream that is very easy to parse using 3rd party tools. The heavy lifting has been done by Tom Decanio. Combined with Logstash, Elasticsearch and Kibana, this allows for really easy graphical dashboard creation. This is a nice addition to the existing tools which are generally more alert centered.
Splunk support is easy as well, as Eric Leblond has shown:
Looking forward
While doing releases is important and somewhat nice too, the developer in me is always glad when they are over. Leading up to a release there is a slow down of development, when most time is spent on fixing release critical bugs and doing some polishing. This slow down is a necessary evil, but I’m glad when we can start merging bigger changes again.
In the short term, I shooting for a fairly quick 2.0.1 release. There are some known issues that will be addressed in that.
More interestingly from a development perspective is the opening of the 2.1 branch. I’ll likely open that in a few weeks. There are a number of features in progress for 2.1. I’m working on speeding up pcap recording, which is currently quite inefficient. More interestingly, Lua output scripting. A preview of this work is available here with some example scripts here.
Others are working on nice things as well: improving protocol support for detection and logging, nflog and netmap support, taxii/stix integration, extending our TLS support and more.
I’m hoping the 2.1 cycle will be shorter than the last, but we’ll see how it goes :)