Everything inline.
Removing Trac ticket comment spam in Debian Lenny
The Vuurmuur website runs Trac and overall I’m pretty happy with it. The only thing that Trac doesn’t do well, is dealing with spammers. Spammers target Trac a lot, so that’s a real problem.
To prevent spammers from making it through, I run Scallywhack and a number of custom ModSecurity rules. So far, spams only made it through as new tickets in the ticket tracker, so I installed the TicketDeletePlugin.
Yesterday, I saw the first spam as a comment to an existing and valid ticket. Like tickets themselves, ticket comments can not be removed by Trac by default. Luckily, upstream Trac seems to have fixed this. I’m running Debian’s version of Trac 0.11.1 however, so I decided to patch that. The patches in the Trac ticket #454 didn’t apply cleanly, so I had to patch it manually. To save others the work, it’s available here: http://www.inliniac.net/files/trac_0.11.1-debian-comment_edit.patch
…Suricata 0.8.2 released
Today the OISF development team released 0.8.2 of the Suricata IDS/IPS engine. I feel this is definitely the best release so far. Read the announcement here. In short, stability was improved, memory footprint reduced, performance improved and new features were added.
One of the tools we used to help improve the engine is a fuzzer created by Will Metcalf, our QA lead. In short, the script takes a pcap file, runs it through editcap (part of wireshark) altering a number of random bytes, then feeds the altered pcap file to Suricata. This resulted in many interesting corner cases. Naturally the script makes sure you don’t forget to enable “ulimit -c unlimited” and such :) More on that script can be found on Will’s blog node5.
…Book review: Magnus Mischel - ModSecurity 2.5
It’s been quite a while since I received my review copy of Magnus Mischel’s ModSecurity book titled “ModSecurity 2.5” but I finally found the time to read it and write up my review. As the title suggest it’s a book about the ModSecurity Web Application Firewall (WAF) module for Apache and about version 2.5 of it specifically. There are some books about the 1.x series of ModSecurity. It’s great that there is a book about the 2.x ModSecurity series now as ModSecurity 2.x is very different from the 1.x series.
…Suricata has experimental CUDA support
One area of interest in the development of Suricata is hardware acceleration. Using the GPU is particularly interesting, as they are cheap and widely available. We’ve been looking at using the GPU to speed up pattern matching as a first step. Since OpenCL promises to be a cross platform multi vendor API for doing this we first looked at OpenCL. But we were never able to get something stable out of it, not on the NVIDIA drivers in Linux anyway. As that didn’t go anywhere we decided to use CUDA for the time being. CUDA obviously is NVIDIA only. Once we have CUDA fully running we may revisit OpenCL or look at other implementations like AMD/ATI’s stream API.
…Suricata 0.8.1 released
Yesterday the OISF development team released Suricata 0.8.1. This release is much improved from our December 31st release. It is way more stable, performs better and has more features. Thanks to the now included HTP library we have much better HTTP handling. The stream engine has seen massive improvements. Initial experimental CUDA code has been added. Initial Win32 support has been added. We’ve added number of missing rule keywords. Many bugs were fixed.
…Suricata debugging
If you’re running into issues with Suricata, it may be worth spending some time looking at the debugging options.
To enable the debugging code, pass “–enable-debug” to configure.
./configure –enable-debug
And make & make install again. Make sure that during compilation you see -DDEBUG in the gcc commands.
Then to really enable it at runtime, pass the SC_LOG_LEVEL
Depending on how you run the engine, this will output massive amounts of debugging info. Thats why we added a pcre regex filter option.
…Suricata released!
Today we’ve finally released the first public version of Suricata, the Open Source IDS/IPS developed by the Open Information Security Foundation. With a team of great people we’ve been working really hard to get this ready. Please see the full announcement here.
As it’s lead developer I’m very much interested in getting feedback, bug reports and such. We run our ticket system in a redmine install at https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/ If you have any feedback, please register an account and let us know what you think.
…First Suricata release tomorrow
Things here at OISF are crazy busy since we’re wrapping up our first version of the engine. Tomorrow there will be a first release! Stay tuned!
…Vuurmuur rpms
Daniele Sluijters has spend quite an effort at creating Vuurmuur rpms for Fedora 11 and CentOS 5, both 32 bit and 64 bit. The packages are available at the Vuurmuur ftp-server here: ftp://ftp.vuurmuur.org/releases/0.7/contrib/ Currently we have packages for 0.7, hopefully 0.8beta2 will follow later. Thanks Daniele!
…Vuurmuur development
Ever since I’ve been working on the OISF engine I’ve been unable to spend much time on my Vuurmuur project. Luckily it seems development is picking up some speed again because there are some (new) people working on some improvements. Two development branches have been started in svn. The first is “nflog” which is meant for the development of support for libnetfilter_log to replace the current syslog based vuurmuur_log.
The second is called “ipv6” and is meant for adding IPv6 support to Vuurmuur as a frontend to ip6tables. This is going to be quite an effort, but I’m excited that it got started!