Everything inline.

First Modsec2sguil release for Sguil 0.7-CVS

I just uploaded a new version of Modsec2sguil. I’ve been working on it the last weeks to get it updated to Sguil 0.7. The scripts are changed all over the place. This is because in the 0.7 framework, my scripts would no longer be a replacement for Barnyard only talking to the sensor_agent on the localhost, instead now it would become a full agent talking to the Sguil server directly.

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Snort_inline and out of order packets

In Snort_inline’s stream4 modifications, one of the changes is that out of order TCP packets are treated differently from unmodified stream4. This can cause some new alerts to appear and some unexpected behaviour. So I’ll try to explain what happens here.

First of all let me explain quickly what out of order packets are. To put it simple, TCP packets are send out by the source host in a specific order but can arrive in a different order at the destination. Packetloss, link saturation, routing issues are among many things that can cause this. A Snort_inline specific issue is that when Snort_inline can’t keep up with the packets it needs to process, it will drop packets which causes packetloss. These packets will then have to be resent by the sending host.

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Snort license changes revisited

Today I noticed that Snort 2.7.0 was quietly released on July 12th. I have a problem with this release, a licensing problem. I have written about my issues with Sourcefires Snort licensing before here and on the mailinglist as well, here. They seem to have listened a little bit, since they are no longer claiming copyright of Todd C. Millers BSD licensed strlcpy and strlcat implementation. Sadly, our other complaints are completely ignored.

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Migrating a Sguil server from 0.6.1 to 0.7.0 (CVS)

Today I finally restored my server that used to host my blog, mail server and sguil server. The sguil server was still at 0.6.1 so this was a good time to see how a migration procedure would work (the earlier 0.7.0 test were done with a newly setup server). I haven’t been able to find documentation about this procedure, but it looks very straightforward, so I think I did it all right.

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Update on Sguil 0.7-CVS client on Ubuntu Feisty

A short time ago I wrote about how the Sguil 0.7-CVS client can be installed on Ubuntu Feisty. Since then there has been a change to Sguil that changes the requirements a bit. Because of this the standard tcllib package in Feisty is no longer usable. It provides tcllib 1.8 while Sguil now needs 1.9. Luckily, we can use the tcllib package from the upcoming Ubuntu release called ‘Gutsy’. It can be found here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/interpreters/tcllib

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Snort and the GPL version 3

Today the final version of the GPL version 3 was released. This is interesting from many perspectives, and one of them is Snort licensing. Much has been written about Snort and the GPL lately, but that was all about new license language introduced with Snort 3.0 alpha and not about the currently maintained and developed 2.6 and 2.7 branches. When I’m talking about Snort here and now, I mean those versions prior to 3.0.

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Compiling Snort_inline with NFQUEUE support on Ubuntu

I needed to setup the right libraries for Snort_inline development on my fresh Ubuntu Feisty installation, so I decided to write down the procedure for those who think compiling Snort_inline from source is hard. :)

Make sure you have build-essential package installed. This makes sure you have a compiler and development packages for glibc and other important libraries. I’m installing the libraries from source to get the latest versions because the latest versions are more stable and perform better than the versions included in Feisty. I’m installing them into /usr because some programs like them there best.

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Sguil 0.7-CVS client on Ubuntu Feisty

I just got a new workstation that I’m setting up today with Ubuntu Feisty 7.04. When setting up the Sguil client from CVS I needed to install the following packages (including dependencies, but apt-get takes care of that):

tcl8.4 tclx8.4 tcllib tk8.4 iwidgets4

After this it ran but looked horrible because of some ugly font that was used. I found that for my use the following fonts look good:

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Debian should update their Snort package

Last week there was some discussion in the #snort IRC channel about why Debian distributes such an ancient version of Snort, namely version 2.3.3. This release is more than 2 years old and no longer supported by SourceFire. The snort.org website says about the old versions:

You should not use these unless you really know what you are doing. Many bugs may have been fixed, including remote vulnerabilities

Even though Debian is able to fix any security bugs themselves, and they don’t need to rely on SourceFire for this, Snort 2.3.3 is still going to be inferior to the recent Why? Well recent Snort versions have many more and improved detection options, such as a better pattern matcher, defragmentation preprocessor, improved stream preprocessor, smtp plugin, etc, etc.

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TCP Window scaling in Snort_inline

The TCP window field in the TCP header is only 16 bits, so the maximum window size it can handle is only 64kb. A long time ago this was enough, but nowadays it isn’t, by far. Luckily, this is something the window scaling option fixes. Window scaling is very common these days. Your pc or laptop probably uses it by default. Snort’s stream4 however, does not support it. This means that when tracking and reassembling streams, Snort for most connections has no idea about what data is in window and which is out of window. To make matters worse, the packets that are in window when using wscaling, but appear out of window when the wscaling is not accounted for, are never used in the reassembly process. This makes Snort evadable.

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