Everything inline.
Snort_inline in svn updated to
This week SourceFire published a security advisory for (among others) Snort version, on which Snort_inline is based. So I took some time to update Snort_inline. Normally this would have taken Will and me quite some time, but since we switched to using svn those days are gone. I was able to update it in under a hour. I was very happy I blogged about the procedure to follow, since I had already forgotten about it ;-)
…Snort_inline BETA 1 released!
William Metcalf has finally released the new Snort_inline version we have been working on so hard, the first release of our code against Snort 2.6. The last release was in June 2006.
Of course, we continue to lag behind SourceFire, as they just released 2.7.0 BETA 1, but I have good hope that we will be able to keep up a little bit better the following time!
Anyway, get the release from the SourceForge download section!
…Migrating from ModSecurity 1.9.4 to 2.0.4
ModSecurity 2 has been out for a while now, and although I have played with it some, I never found some time to upgrade my own servers. The upgrading generally went quite smooth, even though ModSecurity 2 changed quite a bit.
First of all there are now 5 phases where you can filter. Actually, one of them only applies to the logging, so you can filter in 4 phases. The phases are headers and body for both request and response traffic. Filtering on specific URIs can be done in phase 1 (request headers), while inspecting a POST payload requires phase 2 (request body).
…Snort_inline patch updated to
With the recent Snort vulnerabilities we had to make a choice if we would backport the fixes to our Snort_inline patch or that we would upgrade to Upgrading makes most sense since SourceFire improves Snort with every release, but since the upgrade process has been very painful the last couple of releases, we weren’t really looking forward to it.
Earlier I wrote about my testing with Subversion for Snort_inline, and I found out that using Subversion made the upgrade procedure much easier and much less time consuming. So upgrading it was. Generally there were little changes to the Snort_inline patch required.
…Setting up Subversion for Snort_inline
A reason for the slow development of Snort_inline is that we still weren’t using a version control system. Being sick of this, I decided to setup a private Subversion server to see how we could best use it. One thing that complicates the use of such a system is the fact that we maintain a patch on top of source code not maintained by ourselves. So the system must be able to deal with upstream sourcecode updates.
…Vuurmuur developments
This is my first blog post in 2007, so let me start by wishing everyone a good and healthy new year. In the new year I finally released a new version of Vuurmuur. It was the longest period between two releases, the last one was in April 06. The last year has been pretty hectic, with my graduation, looking for work, and now working… Also I’ve been stepping up work on Snort_inline and Modsec2sguil, which all took away coding time from Vuurmuur.
…Snort_inline 2.6 development update
Development of Snort_inline 2.6 experienced a bit of a setback when William and I discovered that the new Stream4inline had some issues with detecting certain attacks. Since we are scanning the reassembled stream certain detection plugins didn’t work as expected. Basically every detection plugin that uses absolute offsets from the packet start is messed up when we scan the reassembled stream only.
This is because the start of the reassembled stream doesn’t match with the start of the last packet added to this stream. Most TCP sigs are using offsets match against the start of the stream, or relative matches. For example a rule like:
…Snort_inline: good article in hackin9 magazine
William pointed me at a nice introductionary article in Hackin9 magazine about setting up and running Snort_inline in various scenarios. Written by Pierpaolo Palazzoli and Matteo Valenza. Worth a read!
…Setting up networking in Qemu for using OpenNSM
Geek00L has created a OpenBSD 4.0 based QEMU image called OpenNSM which I decided to give a try. Getting the networking part to work with my Linux host was a bit of a puzzle, so i’m writing it down here. Most of the steps were taken from the unofficial qemu wiki page here, but not all of them were necesarry.
First of all, I had to use the QEMU version 0.8.2 from the QEMU website, because the 0.8.0 version from my Ubuntu Dapper workstation didn’t work. With the latter version the OpenBSD bootup would just hang at the message ‘clock: Unknown CMOS layout’.
…Detecting and blocking Phishing with Snort and ClamAV
ClamAV is a great Open Source virusscanner that can be used for detecting virusses from Snort or Snort_inline using the ClamAV preprocessor. However, by using the anti-phishing and anti-scam signatures by SaneSecurity, this combination can also be used to detect and block phishing and scam attempts. Here is how to set it up.
I’ve decided to run this on my gateway, which is a slow machine. Because I don’t want all my traffic to slow down to much, I’m not going to run the ClamAV defs, only the anti-phishing ones. The default location of the defs on my Debian Sarge system is /var/lib/clamav, so I’ve created a new directory called ‘/var/lib/clamav-phish’. Next I’ve downloaded the defs from SaneSecurity. After unzipping them and the defs were ready.