Everything inline.
IP Reputation in Suricata
Disclaimer: this work was sponsored by Emerging Threats Pro.
One thing we’ve been talking about for many years at OISF is IP Reputation. The basic idea is that many organizations have information about specific IP-addresses. This information may be that a host is infected, acts as a spam relay or many other things. We’ve always thought it might be useful to apply this info to the IDS directly.
In the last weeks I’ve developed code to load IP reputation information into Suricata. This code is now part of the Suricata git master, so it’s available to all.
…Important Suricata update
We just released Suricata 1.3.3 which contains some important accuracy fixes. Also, it should be much more robust against out of memory conditions.
For those of you running Suricata in IPS mode, this is important as well. We found that rules that have the drop or reject actions, were not playing well with thresholding.
So upgrading is highly recommended!
Code changes are not too big, largest changes are due to some extra unittests:
…Interview about Suricata on security.nl
The Dutch security site security.nl has interviewed me about the Suricata IDS project. The two part (Dutch language) article can be found here and part two here.
Thanks to Joran Polak of security.nl for giving me the opportunity to tell something about this project!
…Setting up an IPS with Fedora 17, Suricata and Vuurmuur
I recently found out that Fedora includes Vuurmuur in it’s repositories. Since Suricata is also included, I figured I would do a quick write up on how to setup a Fedora IPS. While writing it turned more into a real “howto”, so I decided to submit it to Howtoforge.
It can be found here one HowtoForge.
Vuurmuur on Fedora is at the 0.7 version, which is still the current stable. It’s rather old though, and it reminds me again I need to make sure the 0.8 branch gets to a stable release soon. The Suricata included in Fedora 17 is 1.2.1, with 1.3.2 expected to land any day now.
Suricata 1.4 development update
Today, a day after 1.3.2, we’ve released 1.4beta2. While 1.3.2 is an important update for those running 1.3.1 or lower, today’s release is where things get exciting. A lot of things were improved and added. Let me show some numbers first.
The 1.4beta2 release is a pretty big update over 1.4beta1 as it touches over 5k lines of code:
234 files changed, 5033 insertions(+), 3759 deletions(-)
Compared to 1.4beta2 vs yesterday’s 1.3.2 it’s clear over 11k lines of code are touched:
…Suricata 1.3.2 is out
Today we released Suricata 1.3.2. Not a big update, but there are some important fixes in the stream engine, fast_pattern:chop handling, HTTP multipart parsing and the flow keyword with “nostream”.
As the diff stat output shows, it’s a rather light maintenance update over 1.3.1: [sourcecode] ChangeLog | 12 ++ libhtp/configure.ac | 2 +- libhtp/htp.pc.in | 2 +- libhtp/htp/htp.h | 2 +- src/app-layer-htp-file.c | 145 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/app-layer-htp.c | 192 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++—— src/decode.c | 3 + src/decode.h | 1 + src/defrag.c | 4 +- src/detect-engine-content-inspection.c | 9 – src/detect-flow.c | 68 ++++++++++- src/source-af-packet.c | 9 ++ src/source-ipfw.c | 13 ++- src/source-pfring.c | 28 ++— src/stream-tcp-reassemble.c | 1 + src/util-cpu.c | 10 +- 16 files changed, 435 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-) [/sourcecode]
…Suricata luajit update
After an exciting week of meeting and working with the team around the RAID conference, time for another lua update.
The keyword supports an interesting set of buffers now:
packet payload
http.uri http.uri.raw http.request_line http.request_headers http.request_headers.raw http.request_cookie http.request_user_agent http.request_body
http.response_headers http.response_headers.raw http.response_body http.response_cookie
The http keywords are now integrated into their respective inspection engines. This led to one important limitation for now: you can only inspect one such buffer per script.
…First impressions of lua(jit) performance in Suricata
Today I decided to look into the potential performance of the luajit keyword a bit. It’s important to know if this can perform at reasonable speeds so that we can actually use it in real deployments. Even if we can’t the feature may still be appealing though, for offline pcap analysis.
So far, the results are rather encouraging.
First, I added 2 buffers today: http.uri, which contains the normalized uri (same buffer as the http_uri content modifier inspects) and http.request_line, which is the request line given to us by libhtp. This contains method, separators, uri, HTTP version.
…Suricata lua continued
Today I improved the lua jit support in Suricata further. The scripts will now need to express their “needs” through an “init” function in the script that is called only at Suricata startup.
The “init” function fills a lua table. This will allow the user to indicate what buffers the script needs to inspect. The script will then only be invoked when these buffers are actually available, so the script won’t have to worry about whether or not some data is unavailable or not. Also, only these buffers are passed to the script, so safing the overhead of copying unnecessary buffers.
…First beta for Suricata 1.4
The first test release for the new Suricata 1.4 branch as just been released. Some really exciting stuff was added. Let me highlight some of it:
AF_PACKET IPS mode: Eric Leblond has been working on extending the passive AF_PACKET support to support IPS as well. Eric has documented the new feature on his blog.
TLS logging and certificate storage: created by contributor Jean-Paul Roliers under guidance of Eric Leblond. As a bonus, a rule keyword to match on certifcate fingerprints.