Suricata Leaderboards

NOTE: this is an experiment. All data is taken from the (public) git repository at

Suricata development stats

Git range 2f4027c1178b7fe4966ef5f5e951c4f084de28df..master

Generated on 2024-05-16 16:46:07

Suricata is developed by the OISF and contributing companies, organizations and individuals.


Top 22 individuals

  1. 🥇jason taylor🥇: 50 commits, code +2058 -1501. Tickets 3. Score 2265
  2. 🥈Giuseppe Longo🥈: 18 commits, code +1915 -175. Tickets 3. Score 1066
  3. 🥉Jeff Lucovsky🥉: 7 commits, code +22 -10. Tickets 5. Score 759
  4. Stephen Donnelly: 3 commits, code +16 -23. Tickets 4. Score 523
  5. Sascha Steinbiss: 5 commits, code +1478 -142. Tickets 2. Score 507
  6. Hadiqa Alamdar Bukhari: 4 commits, code +578 -1. Tickets 2. Score 392
  7. Vincent Li: 2 commits, code +142 -473. Tickets 2. Score 347
  8. Daniel Olatunji: 3 commits, code +19 -0. Tickets 2. Score 297
  9. Arne Welzel: 4 commits, code +202 -18. Tickets 1. Score 265
  10. Eloy Pérez González: 2 commits, code +298 -1. Tickets 1. Score 190
  11. Ilya Bakhtin: 2 commits, code +9 -5. Tickets 1. Score 175
  12. Joseph Reilly: 1 commits, code +56 -7. Tickets 1. Score 149
  13. Comfort Amaechi: 1 commits, code +36 -68. Tickets 1. Score 143
  14. Thomas Winter: 1 commits, code +20 -0. Tickets 1. Score 140
  15. Andreas Herz: 1 commits, code +5 -4. Tickets 1. Score 137
  16. Alexey Simakov: 1 commits, code +1 -0. Tickets 1. Score 136
  17. Eric Leblond: 1 commits, code +1 -1. Tickets 1. Score 133
  18. Simon Dugas: 1 commits, code +180 -82. Tickets 0. Score 60
  19. Ralph Eastwood: 2 commits, code +4 -75. Tickets 0. Score 59
  20. Angelo Mirabella: 1 commits, code +48 -11. Tickets 0. Score 34
  21. Gleb Smirnoff: 1 commits, code +1 -2. Tickets 0. Score 30

OISF share of the work

OISF team members

Score is calculated based on number of commits, lines changed, unique tickets closed, ticket references and git message body line count. A commit has base value of 25, 5 is added for each ticket referenced, a point per line in the git message is added (max 20) and the sum of (insertions and deletions) devided by 10. Finally, 100 is added for each unique ticket over all contributions:

25 + 5 * ticket refs + min(20, message_lines) + (inserts + deletions) / 10.

To get your commits counted towards your company, make sure to use a commit id that has your company’s domain.