Everything inline.
Friendly pcap parsing
Over at his weblog node5, William Metcalf has written about a nice script he created for automagically extracting full content data for certain ip’s and ip ranges from large amounts of pcap data. It will also create some nice output for the data. Check out his post at node5 and the script here at bleedingthreats. Great to see you blogging Will! :)
…Vuurmuur gets traffic shaping
The last weeks I’ve been working on adding traffic shaping support to Vuurmuur. The work is largely done, only the GUI part is still missing. But using vuurmuur_script it is already usable in the current SVN trunk. I’ve written before about my shaping ideas here.
The support currently focuses on three different options:
1. Limiting bandwidth usage by rules.
Per rule a limit can be set for the maximum amount of bandwidth all traffic from this rule uses. Both directions of a connection have different limits. The in_max and out_max options can be added to existing rules for this. The syntax of the in_max and out_max is simple: out_max=15kbps means that traffic in the source to destination direction of a rule can at max use 15 kb/s.
…Interview about Vuurmuur on security.nl
The Dutch security site security.nl has interviewed me about the Vuurmuur project. The (Dutch language) article can be found here.
Thanks to Joran Polak of security.nl for giving me the opportunity to tell something about this project!
…Vuurmuur developments
Last weeks I’ve spend many hours on my Vuurmuur Firewall project. First I’ve been improving the code to prepare for a new release. I’ve added NFQUEUE support to Vuurmuur, so I could use it with nfnetlink enabled Snort_inline. Also the connection killing has been improved. The rules limit options were extended, to allow more flexibility.
Second, with the great help of Adi Kriegisch, I’ve been working on setting up a new build server for Debian and Ubuntu packages. Credits mostly go to Adi, who did most of the work and hosts the server. So many thanks to Adi! The new build server supports all version of Debian from Sarge up and of Ubuntu from Dapper and up.
…Window scaling normalization in Snort_inline broken by design
After debugging some connection problems I found that the wscale normalization concept is flawed. I’ll describe here what is wrong with it and then move on to suggest a different solution I’m currently testing. The problem I was seeing is that some connections to some webservers stalled without an apparent reason.
First a quick reminder of why I originally came up with the wscale normalization. Stream4 originally doesn’t look at the window scaling value when determining the TCP window. This causes it to be wrong about the TCP window in about every connection, which is one of the reasons out of window packets are not dropped (this is actually a gaping evasion hole since these packets are not used in stream reassembly). This is why I decided to add window scaling support to the stream4inline extension. This works great and allows the admin to drop out of window packets. There is a problem associated with it though. The maximal window that is possible with wscaling is 1GB. This would mean that Snort_inline would in the worst case have to queue almost 1GB of data in it’s buffers for a single stream. To prevent this being used by an attacker to attack Snort_inline, I wanted give the admin the option to set a maximal wscale size.
…ModSecurity rule for Tikiwiki XSS
I just read about a Tikiwiki XSS here. Since the Vuurmuur wiki runs Tikiwiki I created a ModSecurity rule for it:
SecDefaultAction “log,deny,phase:2,status:403,t:urlDecodeUni,t:lowercase”
# XSS in remind password field SecRule REQUEST_METHOD “^post$” “chain,msg:‘TIKIWIKI lost password XSS’” SecRule REQUEST_FILENAME “tiki-remind_password.php” “chain” SecRule ARGS:/s*username/ “!^(:?[a-z0-9-_]{1,37})$”
This allows only valid usernames to be entered.
Update: Ivan Ristic privately pointed me at some possible problems with the rule:
- the escaping of the - and _ chars is not needed, although it seems to be harmless.
- the $ at the end of the filename is dangerous, because Apache treats tiki-remind_password.php/xxx as tiki-remind_password.php. In this case the rule is evaded.
- PHP (which Tikiwiki uses) ignores leading spaces in request arguments. So it treats ’ username’ the same as ‘username’. The rule needs to deal with that.
Thanks for your feedback Ivan!
…Follow up on Sguil securtiy
In the discussion about my post about Sguil security there have been a number of ideas and general thoughts. I’d like to write about them here to we can further discuss them. There seems to be consensus on that when a sensors is rooted, there is nothing we can do to prevent injection of bogus data as long as it isn’t malformed.
Having the agent authenticate itself is a solution, but it relies on the agent credentials to remain secret. So when a webserver is rooted the attacker will have access to the credentials as they will be stored on the webserver itself. So this approach does provide an extra layer of defense but local roots aren’t uncommon, so it remains risky. It may still be worth the effort though.
…Thoughts on Sguil security
Sguil is build using a server and sensors. Traditionally the sensors are passive monitoring agents running Snort and a few other tools. Best practice was (and still is) to separate the management network of these sensors and server from the monitored network(s). This way it would be fairly hard for an attacker to get a shot at the Sguil server.
Sguil of course, would be a extremely interesting target for hackers. It contains so much info about the monitored network. Also, it has realtime access to all network traffic. A hacker may also be interested in shutting Sguil down to avoid detection.
…Using Modsec2sguil for HTTP transaction logging revisited
Recently I wrote about the idea to log all HTTP transactions into Sguil using my Modsec2sguil agent. I’ve implemented this in the current 0.8-dev5 release and it works very well. All events go into Sguil smoothly and I’ve not experienced slowdowns on the webserver. I’ve been running it for almost a week now, like to share the first experiences here.
I find it to be quite useful. When receiving an alert, it is perhaps more interesting to see what else was done from that ipaddress than to see what was blocked (unless you are suspecting a false positive of course). One area I find to be useful is when I’m creating rules against comment spam on this blog. By seeing all properties of a spam message I can create better rules. For example on broken user-agents or weird codes inserted into the comment field of Wordpress.
…Using Modsec2sguil for HTTP transaction logging
Modsec2sguil is currently configured to send alerts to Sguil. ModSecurity can be configured to log any event or transaction, including 200 OK, 302 Redirect, etc. Modsec2sguil distinguishes between alerts and other events by only processing HTTP codes of 400 and higher. Since 0.8-dev2 there is a configuration directive to prevent certain codes, such as 404, from being treated as an alert.
Now I have the following idea. Since ModSecurity can log all events with details of request headers, response headers and POST message body, it may be interesting to just send all these events to Sguil. They should not be appearing as alerts, but having them in the database can perhaps be interesting. I know using flow data and full packet captures the same data can be accessed, but having it in the database makes querying it a lot easier and longer available.